Монголын Цахим Залуусын Ертөнцөд Тавтай Морил !

TulgaT - Patient [Видео клип + Дууны үг] - Видео бичлэг - - Mongolian Electronic Youth

Монголын Цахим Залуусын Ертөнцөд Тавтай Морил !

Туслах цэс
Харилцах цонх
Цахим блок
Шинэ сэтгэгдэл
Хэрэглэгчийн булан
Шилдэг гишүүд
Мэдээ: 1632
Сэтгэгдэл: 745
Нэр хүнд: 14
Мэдээ: 269
Сэтгэгдэл: 666
Нэр хүнд: 1
Мэдээ: 191
Сэтгэгдэл: 179
Нэр хүнд: 2
Мэдээ: 147
Сэтгэгдэл: 429
Нэр хүнд: 6
Мэдээ: 120
Сэтгэгдэл: 1384
Нэр хүнд: 3
«  6-р сар 2011  »
Нийт бичлэг:

Сэтгэгдэл: 15909
Хэлэлцүүлэг: 177/1949
Зураг: 538
Онлайн кино: 238
Мэдээ: 3039
Дуу хөгжим: 160
Онлайн тоглоом: 200
Зочдын дэвтэрд: 13

Гишүүдийн статистик:

Нийт: 6577
Эр: 4993
Эм: 1583
Өнөөдөр: 0
Өчигдөр: 0
Сүүлийн 7 хоногт: 0
Сүүлийн 30 хоногт: 0
Өнөөдөр зочилсон:

Яг одоо манай сайтад:
Нийт Онлайнд 23
Зочид 23
Хэрэглэгчид 0
TulgaT - Patient [Видео клип + Дууны үг]

I'm TulgaT, if you never ever heard of me/
Or any of my stories including my surgeries/
The first plot of cancer trying to murder me/
I'll let you know how it happened in a verse of three/
It all started in the fall of two-thousand and four/
Took my first step in Seattle and I was down with it all/
Got myself in a high school called Federal Way/
When I met new people, nothing was better to say/
Than, I'm from LA, Santa Monica/
After a few weeks, I was getting popular/
Walking through the halls of the school with no envy or doubts/
All the dudes calling my cool and the girls checking me out/
These moments, man it kept me going/
Left me knowing, there's no empty roaming/
But, there was this one night, I was going to bed late/
Just finished reading a book, and I start to feel a headache/

Chorus 2X:

Why did this have to happen to me? I'm a patient
Everyday I'm happy to be! I'm a patient
Holding my pencil, my pad and my sheets
I'm a patient x3

Verse 2:
I tried going to bed but failed miserably/
Lying there with the pain in my head, wishing to sleep/
Next morning, went to class with wisdom to seek/
Between the good and the bads for my vision to see/
Around that time, we lived by the mall/
So I swung by to get tylenol/
It was cold and windy cuz of the raining season/
Took two pills and my pain was easing/
Then later, it commenced aching frequently/
Like somebody pounding my brain repeatedly/
After a month, lost the left-peripherals in my both eyes/
Began bumping into things when I just didn't know why/
And I was tired of what was hurting me/
Told my brother to take me to the emergency/
Went and got a cat-scan, trying to cope the answer/
When the result said I was diagnosed with cancer/

Chorus 2X:

I was fifteen when this tragedy happened/
Treacherous news had my family saddened/
Everybody being calm, but really just acting/
Wanting me to be strong, in my fear of my passing/
Mom and Dad said, "You got to make it"/
From three days before my operation/
When the day came, I was nervous, energy grasping/
Put on narcosis with my memories flashing/
For three hours, I was fighting for my life/
Kept battling 'till I gained a sight into the light/
Then I woke up dazed noticed a person there/
As my vision cleared up, I was in urgent care/
Then, suddenly I see people hover and linger/
It was my parents, my loving brother and sister/
I thank all of the surgeons and all of the nurses/
I learned something from cancer, I'm calling it purpose/

Chorus 2X:

Сэтгэгдэлүүд: 3
Аватар байхгүй
3 | tenmaroon <<< бичсэн | 2011-06-17 | 8:57 PM Сэтгэгдэлтэй хуудас |
tnx tanai site hamgiin shildeg ni. TEHDE iinhon tanai yumnuudiig arai dendvv huuljiina
+ (0) -
2 | mnm_norovoo <<< бичсэн | 2011-06-15 | 6:56 PM Сэтгэгдэлтэй хуудас |
mmm yahav dee xexe
+ (0) -
1 | soul <<< бичсэн | 2011-06-09 | 7:23 PM Сэтгэгдэлтэй хуудас |
ene ni tiim ih onts bishee nominjin toi hamt time is flying ni l goy bolson bn le
+ (0) -
Зөвхөн гишүүд сэтгэгдэл үлдээх боломжтой !
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Монголын Цахим Залуусын Ертөнцөд Тавтай Морил !

Монголын Цахим Залуусын Ертөнцөд Тавтай Морил !

Монголын Цахим Залуусын Ертөнцөд Тавтай Морил !